
Let's Talk About

Your Autistic Child's IEP

Is your child struggling with behavior challenges at school?

Is your child being frequently sent out of class for behavior problems?

Is your child spending more time being disciplined or "managed" at school than

they are learning?

Does your child's IEP need to be adjusted to actually meet their behavioral needs?

I get it. I've been there, too.

I can't wait to help you.


Imagine if...

You could breathe easy when sending ​your child to school.

You felt confident that your child was being consistently supported throughout the school day, whether it's a good behavior day or not.

You could stop dreading every ​interaction with school staff.

You slept better at night knowing your child was making progress at school, in the skills that mean the most for their future.

Free Download

10 Things to Do when

Your Child Gets

Kicked Out of Class

Hi, I'm Laura!

I remember that feeling of walking into my first IEP meeting feeling overwhelmed and walking out feeling even more frustrated.

I never want you to feel that way!

As a former elementary school teacher and with 9 years of experience navigating IEP meetings for my own Autistic children and others, I've been able to help secure thousands of dollars of IEP services, COLLABORATIVELY.

I'm a proud member of the Master IEP Coach® Network and I can't wait to help you on your IEP journey!

Cheering You On, Laura

What we can do together:

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We'll get started immediately on ​your biggest IEP concerns.

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Knowing how to clearly share your ​concerns is key. I'll show you how.

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Meeting Attendance

You'll never have to walk into a ​meeting alone, again.

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I'll be here to help you every ​step of the way, so nothing feels ​out of control again.

Stack of Papers
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Text, Phone Calls, or ​Zoom. You get to pick ​how​ ​we work together!

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Your child's success and ​independence will

always​ be our focus.​

You'll finally be able to ​get all the IEP ​paperwork and emails ​unde​r​ control!

Does any of this

sound like you?

Do you feel panic every time the phone rings and the school's number pops up?

Do you feel like your child is being punished for their disabilities?

Are you worried your child isn't learning enough or their IEP services aren't the right ones?

Do you want to be able to walk into your next IEP meeting and NOT have any surprises?

That's exactly why we should work together!

Let's Talk!

I know trusting someone to help you ​with your child's IEP is a BIG deal.

Let's get to know each other to see if ​we're a good match for fixing your ​child's IEP!

Free 20 Min ​Consult

Drop Shadow

Stop losing sleep over ​IEP meetings!

Your child and your family need you for so ​many things. From deciding what's for dinner ​to scheduling therapy appointments, and ​running errands on a Saturday.

School struggles should not be stealing so ​much of your energy.

Schedule Your ​Free IEP Consult

Cooking with my mom
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I will help you build bridges with the IEP team, not burn them.

Data and research will ​be at the core of all your ​IEP decisions and ​requests​.​

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Together we'll get the ​school in sync with your​ family values to mee​t your ​c​hild's needs!

10 clear, simple action steps that you can take right away to improve the situation surrounding your child's behavior challenges.



6 Year Old Child

Going into my first IEP meeting for my child, I was anxious and concerned that I wouldn't know what was going on. After meeting with Laura, I felt much more prepared. Having Laura by my side was reassuring and gave me the confidence to advocate for my child.


12 Year Old Child

I very much appreciated having Laura at my IEP meeting. Definitely should have her there next time, too!


5 Year Old Twins

Yay! Had conversations with the teacher, speech therapist, and special ed case worker. Got my letter sent. Everyone is happy to work with me. Things are coming along. Thanks for your help!


Let's get started!

Check my calendar and schedule ​a time that works for you!

Free 20 Minute ​IEP Consult

When we work together you will get:

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Email Support

I'll answer all your IEP questions ​within one business day.

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IEP Strategies that Work!

No more googling at 3am to figure ​out what you need to do next.

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Meeting Support

Maybe you need me at your meeting, maybe ​you don't. No matter if I'm simply helping you ​prep or sitting at the IEP table with you... ​you will never be alone!

Girl Painting with Her Mom on the Phone

Don't forget to grab your free 10 Things to Do!

Let's Connect

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Services Available Nationwide Virtually or

In-Person in the DC Metro area

Send me a text

(435) 760-5273

IMPORTANT: I am not a lawyer and I do not give legal advice. All advocacy and IEP decisions are your own.